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List of citizens who received housing from the communal housing stock, by region
This set consists of a list of citizens of the region who have received housing from the communal housing stock
09/12/2022List of citizens who received housing from the communal housing stock, by region
List of citizens who received housing from the communal housing stock, by region
23/01/2023List of registered citizens in need of housing, by region
List of registered citizens in need of housing, by region
24/01/2023Список граждан, состоящих на учете нуждающихся в жилье, в разрезе регионов
Бұл жинақта тұрғын үйге мұқтаждар есебінде тұрған азаматтардың тізімі, өңірлер бөлінісінде
07/08/2023304. Перечень государственных больниц в разрезе регионов
Жиынтық өңірдегі мемлекеттік ауруханалардың тізбесін құрайды