Search results
Topographic and geodetic works, as well as services for maintaining the database of the duty plan and inventory of engineering networks and communications.
Production of topographic, geodetic and cartographic works, conducting land surveying work for the state land cadastre, information databases, a unified analytical database (maintaining a duty plan and inventory of engineering networks and communications, ensuring the filling of the database of the Address Register Information System) and sociological research state bodies of the Republic of Kazakhstan financed from the republican budget, including joint research with international organizations; maintaining the state urban planning cadastre (accounting for design documentation of draft designs and graphic data; monitoring the technical condition of buildings and structures in the Almaty region; implementation of schemes and design solutions for the urban development of the Almaty region).
13/04/2021Research topics in the field of state audit and financial control for 2007-2020
The data contains information on research topics for the period from 2007 to 2020
20/04/2021Investments in the agro-industrial complex since 2000
This set contains information on investments of KazAgroFinance JSC in the agro-industrial complex since 2000
24/09/2021The number of active borrowers
This set contains information on the number of active clients of KazAgroFinance JSC
24/09/2021The number of equipment has been leased since 2000
This set contains information on the number of equipment transferred since 2000 by KazAgroFinance JSC
24/09/2021Қазақстан Республикасын индустриялық-инновациялық дамытудың 2015-2019 жылдарға арналған мемлекеттік бағдарламасының орындалуы жөніндегі ақпарат
«Қазақстанның Даму Банкі» АҚ ірі жобаларды қаржылық қолдауды жүзеге асыруға жауапты ИИДМБ операторы болып табылады.
29/09/2021Investments in the agro-industrial complex since 2000
This set contains information on investments of KazAgroFinance JSC in the agro-industrial complex since 2000 - 1037.9 billion tenge
11/10/2021The number of active borrowers
This set contains information on the number of active clients of KazAgroFinance JSC - 9 592