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Өңірлер бөлінісінде мемлекеттік арнайы және интернаттық ұйымдардың тізбесі
Information about special and boarding organizations
30/12/2019Public institution "Regional specialized boarding school for gifted children in sports in the village of Lepsinsk, Alakol region" of the state institution "Department of Physical Culture and Sports of Almaty Region"
Ensuring the preparation of the sports reserve, candidates for the national teams of the city, region, republic and the education of high-class athletes to participate in international competitions
29/11/2021List of state special and residential organizations
This set contains information about special and boarding houses in the region
07/12/2022List of state nursing homes (boarding homes for the elderly and disabled general type)
This set contains information about nursing homes located in the region
20/12/2022List of state special and boarding organizations by region
List of state special and boarding organizations by region