The service is intended for searching for address data by registration code of address, "RCА".

The registration code of address (hereinafter: RCA) is a unique code of address of a real estate object generated by the “Residential Address Registry” information system.

RCA contains 16 digits.

Name of the reference guide Index name
Types of administrative territorial units d_ats_types
Types of elements of populated localities d_geonims_types
Indicators of types of initial properties d_buildings_pointers
Indicators of types of secondary properties d_rooms_types

№ п/п Name of card index Name of DB table Description
1. Administrative territorial system of RoK s_ats Contains list of administrative territorial entities of RoK and subordinance connection between them
2. Populated locality system s_geonims Contains list of Populated locality systems, also connection of substrcuture between them
3. List of real estates s_grounds_new Contains list of real estates, also connection of territoeis with administrative territorial entity and populated locality system
4. List of preliminary addressing objects s_buildings Except objects contains information about connection of objects with Кdministrative territorial entity and populated locality system and the territory
5. List of secondary addressing objects s_pb Except objects contains information about connection of objects with preliminary object