
Open data, as part of initiative of, Open Government is a separate element «electronic government» of the republic of Kazakhstan.

BY means of «Open data» portal the public can easily find, load and use set of data which being created by state authorities. Portal contains description of state set of data, also information about how to have access to the data and to additional tools. Set of data catalogues, also data will be refilled regularly.

Electronic democracy

Success of «Open data» portal completely depends on what level the population will be involved into work of portal and into work with data. Main goal of «Open data» portal is provision for the public of possibility to take part in controlling the state by using data and creating based on them appendixes, to conduct overall analysis and researches.

Works on improvement of «Open data» portal will be conducted regularly by means of following tools:

  • feedback:
  • comments and recommendations of the users.

It is important for us Your opinion about what would you like to see in the set of data, to receive Your evaluations and comments regarding current set of data, also to receive proposals for improvement of the portal.

We are impatiently waiting for Your ideas and comments about «Open data» portal.


1. Convenient access to the open government data

2. Easing of analysis and researches

3. Transparency of Government work

4. Increase of efficiency of state authorities.

OG components


  • 81Proportion of open datasets` relevance
  • 37Developed apps and services
  • 930Requests for actualization
  • 309Requests for publication
  • 8003765Views from 01.01.2015 г.
  • 248879Downloads from 01.01.2015 г.

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