Requirements to format
Sending of a set of open data for publication
Each user has the right to post his sets of open data on the portal. Datasets shall conform to the specified requirements. After sending, datasets undergo a check by the moderator. The moderator can reject the publication, having specified the reason of such rejection, or he can publish datasets. The user will be notified on all changes.
To send a set for publication, the user has to be registered/authorized on the portal. For this purpose, it is necessary to press the icon "send data" which is at the left side of the page and is designated by + sign.
Examples and templates for sending datasets can be downloaded in attachments according to your format.
Requirements to files
- The file must not exceed 10 Mb
- The file must have EXCEL, XML or JSON format
- The file must be correctly completed according to its format
Meta Information
- apiUri Index under which the set will be available. If it is empty or not specified, it will be generated automatically
- nameKk Name of dataset in Kazakh language
- nameRu Name of dataset in Russian language
- nameEn Name of dataset in English language
- descriptionKk Description of dataset in Kazakh language
- descriptionRu Description of dataset in Russian language
- descriptionEn Description of dataset in English language
- keywords Keywords field
- responsible Data of responsible person
- fullnameKk Full name of responsible person in Kazakh language
- fullnameRu Full name of responsible person in Russian language
- fullnameEn Full name of responsible person in English language
- phone Telephone number of responsible person
- email E-mail address of responsible person
- fields Description of fields
- type Field type. More details below
- pk Whether the field is a unique identifier. Takes true | false value
- labelKk Field name in Kazakh language
- labelRu Field name in Russian language
- labelEn Field name in English language
- format Date format. It is necessary only after the date
- arrayType Array type. It is necessary only after the array
Types of fields
- IntIntegers
- String String values
- Double Real numbers
- Boolean Boolean values (true, false)
- Geoposition Geoposition
- Date Date
- Object Object, can include fields
- List Array of objects or simple types
Here you can download an sample and a template for sending a dataset in EXCEL format
Here you can download an sample and a template for sending a dataset in JSON format
Here you can download an sample and a template for sending a dataset in XML format