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Micro-loans issued by microfinance organizations in the region, in terms of government programs

Бұл жинақ өңірдің микроқаржы ұйымдары берген микрокредиттер туралы ақпаратты қамтиды


Data on the extraction of common minerals by region

Бұл жинақ кең таралған пайдалы қазбаларды өндіру жөніндегі деректерді қамтиды


The number of unemployed people directed to vocational training, retraining, advanced training

This set contains data on the number of unemployed people aimed at vocational training, retraining, and advanced training by region (based on the results of the IV-quarter 2024, (people)).


The number of unemployed people sent to social jobs

This set contains data on the number of unemployed people sent to social jobs by region (based on the results of the IV-quarter 2024, (people)).


Total number of recipients of targeted social assistance

The set contains data on recipients of targeted social assistance by region based on the results of the 4th quarter of 2024


№121 Information on privatization by region

Бұл жинақта жекешелендіру туралы ақпарат орналасқан (объект түрі, іске асыру әдісі, сомасы)


№120 Information about implemented investment projects by region

Бұл жинақта субсидияланатын жобалар туралы ақпарат орналасқан


№119 List of business support organizations by region

Бұл жинакта кәсіпкерлік қолдау бойынша ұйымдар туралы ақпарат орналасқан


№208 Data on the extraction of common minerals by region

"In accordance with the protocol of the meeting of the Commission on granting the right of subsurface use for exploration or extraction of common minerals in the territory of Nur-Sultan dated May 11, 2012 No. 2, tenders for granting the right of subsurface use for exploration or extraction of common minerals in the territory of Nur-Sultan are not held, as they are recognized as contrary to the General Development Plan of the capital. At the moment, there are no existing contracts (licenses) for exploration and production of common minerals in the administrative territory of the city of Nursultan."
