Passport field name | Passport field value |
Name | center for the provision of special social services |
Description | KSU "Zharkent center for the provision of special social services "Meyirim"; Monday-Friday from 09.00 to 18.00 hours; Almaty region, Zharkent city, Golovatsky Street№2; 8(72831) 9-63-60; 44.187219, 80.004854 |
Owner | Akimat of Almaty region |
Category |
Labour, employment and social security |
Gov Agency | КГУ Жаркентский центр оказания специальных социальных услуг «Мейірім» |
Keywords | |
Planned actualization | до 15 числа месяца следующего за отчетным периодом |
Actualization type | Yearly |
Actuality status | No |
Creation date | 30.04.2021 10:41 |
Renewal date | 30.04.2021 10:41 |
Link to the data | |
Link to meta-information | |
Status | Published |