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Name Municipal state institution Children's and Youth Sports School of the Rayymbek district of the State educational Institution of the Department of Physical Culture and Sports of the Almaty region
Description Type of activity according to the OKED (General Classifier of types of economic activity) – Sports education and education of leisure organization specialists The enterprise, in its activities, carries out the following: trains highly qualified athletes capable of replenishing the national teams of the Republic of Kazakhstan in sports; carries out work to attract students to systematic physical education and sports; identifies in the process of systematic classes capable children and adolescents to attract them to specialized sports in the Youth sports school; To educate citizenship to state symbols, veneration of folk traditions; formation of needs to participate in the socio-political, economic and cultural life of the republic, conscious attitude of the individual to their rights and obligations
Owner Dinara Akimhanova
Category Culture and sports
Gov Agency КГУ «Детско-юношеская спортивная школа Райымбекского района»
Actualization type Yearly
Actuality status No
Creation date 10.12.2021 09:00
Renewal date 10.12.2021 09:01
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