Passport field name Passport field value
Name center for the provision of special social services
Description KSU Alakol Center for the provision of Special Social services "Shuak"; Monday-Friday from 8.00 to 17.00; Almaty region, Alakol district, Kabanbay village, Nauryzbaya str., 18; 8(728) 374-32-08;
Owner Alakol center for the provision of special social services "Shuak"
Category Labour, employment and social security
Gov Agency КГУ "Алакольский центр оказания специальных социальных услуг "Шуак"
Actualization type Yearly
Actuality status No
Creation date 02.06.2021 11:39
Renewal date 02.06.2021 11:39
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Status Published

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