Passport field name Passport field value
Name Information on the total amount of expenses for the training of Kazakhstani specialists, research, scientific and technical and experimental design work on the territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan, for the socio-economic development of the region and the development of its infrastructure, social and economic support for the local population, made by the subsoil user
Description This set contains information on the total amount of expenses for the training of Kazakhstani specialists, research, scientific and technical and experimental design work on the territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan, for the socio-economic development of the region and the development of its infrastructure, socio-economic support for the local population, made subsoil user by years
Owner «Жетісу облысының кәсіпкерлік және индустриялық-инновациялық даму басқармасы» ММ
Category Industry
Gov Agency Akimat of the Zhetisu region
Actualization type Yearly
Actuality status Yes
Creation date 23.12.2022 16:42
Renewal date 03.02.2025 14:40
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Status Published

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