Passport field name Passport field value
Name Municipal State institution "Zharkent Forestry" of the state institution " Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Management of the Almaty region"
Description MSI "Zharkent Forestry" is a subordinate organization of the state institution "Management of Natural Resources and Regulation of Natural Resources of the Almaty region" with the status of a legal entity, created in the organizational and legal form of the institution for the implementation of functions for the protection, protection, use of the forest fund, forest reproduction and afforestation, within the boundaries of the territory of the forest fund provided to it for permanent use.
Owner MSI "Zharkent Forestry"
Category Public sector
Gov Agency КУ Жаркентское лесное хозяйство
Actualization type As needed
Actuality status Yes
Creation date 02.04.2021 18:34
Renewal date 02.04.2021 18:35
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