Technological name of the attribute Title in Russian Group attribute Type Obligatory
id The code No String Yes
operation_kz Type of operation (in kazakh) No String Yes
operation_ru Type of operation (in russian) No String Yes
volume Volume (t) No String Yes
Passport field name Passport field value
Name The volume of non-hazardous waste by indicators (general indicators for the republic)
Description Data on the volumes of non-hazardous waste in the context of their handling operations (for the republic)
Owner RSE "Information and Analytical Center for Environmental Protection" of the Ministry of Ecology, Geology and Natural Resources of the Republic of Kazakhstan
Category Ecology, environment and civil protection
Gov Agency Қазақстан Республикасы Экология және табиғи ресурстар министрлігі
Actualization type As needed
Actuality status Yes
Creation date 16.08.2022 16:47
Service url
Status Published

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