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Name Analytical report of the RSE at the RSE Children's Clinical Sanatorium "Alatau" for the 1st half of 2024.
Description In the 1st half of 2024, 988 patients were treated compared to the 1st half of 2023 - 896.The rehabilitation of patients was carried out in full, according to the treatment protocols. For the 1st half of 2024, 130 beds in the somatics department worked in the sanatorium as a whole and the bed work amounted to 138.3 days, in the same period last year -125.3, the bed turnover averaged 7.6 patients (2023 -6.9), with an average bed downtime of 5.8 days (2023-8.2 days). The average length of the patient's stay in bed was 18.2 bed days. (18.2 bed days in 2023) With the plan of 19760 bed days, 17974 bed days were spent by patients, which was 90.9%. The decrease in the number of bed days is noted due to late hospitalization (children arrive 1-2 days late from remote regions) and early discharge of patients for various reasons. According to the plan, 980 vouchers were allocated for the first half of 2024. The implementation of the hospitalization plan was 79.0%. The number of absenteeism by region decreased by 21.0%, for 1 half-year - 206 cases.
Category Healthcare
Gov Agency RSE on REM "Children's clinical sanatorium "Alatau"
Actualization type Quarterly
Actuality status No
Creation date 14.10.2024 11:33
Renewal date 14.10.2024 11:34
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Status Published

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