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Passport field name Passport field value
Name The service for receiving applications for assessment/refund of excessively (erroneously) paid amounts of taxes
Description The purpose of implementing this service is to enable direct connection of external information systems to the is of the CUPA in order to transmit data necessary for making offsets/refunds of excessively (mistakenly) paid tax amounts. Statements sent through the service may contain information about the holding: – The reimbursement on overpaid amounts; - Offset from an erroneous payment; - Refund to the Bank account from the overpaid amount; - Refund to the Bank account with the amount paid in error. The service provides: - Receiving applications from vis; - Processing of received applications; – Generate responses based on the acceptance or rejection of the application in the IP of CUPA. Response messages contain: – information about the acceptance of the application or rejection of the application, indicating the reasons.
Category Finance
Gov Agency Ministry of finance of the RK
Actualization type As needed
Actuality status Yes
Creation date 20.07.2023 10:13
Service url https://open.egov.kz/proxy2/refund
Status Published

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