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Name Special Economic Zone “Khorgos – Eastern Gate” management company
Description The special economic zone "Khorgos - Eastern Gate" is part of the territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan with precisely designated borders, on which there is a special legal regime of the special economic zone for the implementation of priority activities (Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan "On special economic zones in the Republic of Kazakhstan" No. 469-IV dated July 21, 2011). FEZ "Khorgos - Eastern Gate" is considered as a strategic object for the creation of a logistics hub connecting China, Central Asia and the Middle East. The total area of ​​the FEZ is 4,591.5 hectares and includes three key zones - logistics and industrial, as well as the transport and logistics complex "dry port".
Category Transport
Gov Agency АО Управляющая компания специальной экономической зоны Хоргос-Восточные ворота
Actualization type As needed
Actuality status Yes
Creation date 06.12.2021 09:41
Renewal date 06.12.2021 09:43
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Status Published

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