Passport field name Passport field value
Name Number of issued documents on the conditions for processing goods on/outside the customs territory and processing for consumption in the small-scale, mining and metallurgical, chemical, pharmaceutical, woodworking industries, as well as mechanical engineering and construction industry
Description Number of issued documents on the conditions for processing goods on/outside the customs territory and processing for consumption in the small-scale, mining and metallurgical, chemical, pharmaceutical, woodworking industries, as well as mechanical engineering and construction industry
Owner Комитет индустриального развития и промышленной безопасности Министерства индустрии и инфраструктурного развития Республики Казахстан
Category Industry
Gov Agency Ministry of Industry and Construction of the RK
Actualization type Once every six months
Actuality status Yes
Creation date 06.08.2018 17:05
Renewal date 06.02.2025 15:57
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Status Published

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