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GKP on PCV "Alakol Central district Hospital"

GKP on the PCV "Alakol Central District Hospital " in accordance with the license number LP 0012245DV dated 20.12.2011 provides the following types of services: 1. primary health care: emergency medical care, pre-medical. 2. Laboratory diagnostics: general clinical studies, biochemical studies, serological studies, cytological studies 3. Diagnostics: functional, radiological, pathological anatomy, ultrasound, endoscopic. 4. advisory, diagnostic, medical and inpatient care for adults and children. 5. examination of temporary disability. 124 doctors work in the Alakol central district hospital, the provision of doctors per 10 thousand population is 18.2. in 2020, 24 specialist doctors were employed, 5 doctors in 5 months of 2021, the number of mid-level medical workers is 580, 84.9 per 10 thousand population.


KGP on the PCV "Palliative care Hospital of Almaty region" GU

Hospital Palliative Care is an organization approach that improves the quality of life of patients (children and adults) and their families facing problems related to a life-threatening disease, by preventing and alleviating suffering through early detection, careful assessment and treatment of pain and other physical symptoms, as well as providing psychosocial and spiritual support, adequate pain relief and relief of other painful symptoms. Psychological support of the patient and the relatives caring for him. Developing an attitude to death as a natural stage of a person's path. Through the activities of our organization, we are able to relieve pain and other disturbing symptoms, affirm life and treat dying as a natural process, does not seek to accelerate or delay the onset of death, includes psychological and spiritual aspects of patient care, offers patients a support system so that they can live as actively as possible until death, offers a support system to the patient's loved ones during their illness, as well as during bereavement, uses a multidisciplinary team approach to meet the needs of patients and their relatives, including during bereavement, if necessary, improves the quality of life and can also have a positive impact on the course of the disease, is applicable in the early stages of the disease in combination with other life-prolonging treatments, such as chemotherapy, radiation therapy, includes research to better understand and treat troubling clinical symptoms and complications.


ШЖҚ "Көпсалалы облыстық балалар ауруханасы"МКК

GKP on the PCV "Multidisciplinary Regional Children's Hospital" provides consultative and diagnostic, inpatient replacement, inpatient, emergency care. The hospital has a CT scan. Note: the patient has the right to choose the medical organization himself.


Almaty Regional Children's Clinical Hospital on the right of economic management

Almaty Regional Children's Clinical Hospital on the right of economic management


GKP on PCB "District Hospital" p. Boralday

This collection contains information about the name of the hospital, opening hours, address, contact numbers, geo-point, license validity period.
