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Дамуында мүмкіндігі шектеулі балалардың жалпы санынан білім беру бағдарламаларымен қамтылған балалардың үлесі
Бұл жиынтығы арнайы білім берумен қамтылған ерекше білім беруге қажеттілігі бар балалардың үлесін көрсетеді
29/01/2018The proportion of children enrolled in inclusive education out of the total number of children with developmental disabilities
This set represents the proportion of children with special educational needs covered by inclusive education
02/04/2024The number of students studying at home in total
This set contains statistical information about the number of children with special educational needs studying at home
02/04/2024Statistical data on the education of children with disabilities
This set contains statistical information about the number of children with special educational needs
02/04/2024The proportion of children enrolled in educational programs out of the total number of children with developmental disabilities
This set represents the proportion of children enrolled in educational programs out of the total number of children with developmental disabilities