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Қолданысы тоқтатылған (айырылған) жекелеген банк операцияларын жүргiзетін ұйымдар жүзеге асыратын банктік және өзге де операцияларды жүргізуге лицензиялардың тізілімі

Бұл жинақта қаржы ұйымының атауы, мекен-жайы, уәкілетті ұйымның лицензияны тоқтату (айыру) туралы шешімінің нөмірі мен күні, лицензияның нөмірі және берілген күні туралы деректер бар


Types of activity

The main objective of the Company’s activity is to carry out scientific Research, design and experimental, as well as production and economic activities in space research and technology. The Company carries out the following activity: 1) coordinating and supporting scientific and scientific-technological activities of scientific organizations for fundamental and applied scientific research, including: – establishing the main directions and plans of scientific research of scientific organizations, accepting completed scientific research carried out by scientific organizations and submitting them to the Aerospace Committee of the Ministry of Defense and the Aerospace Industry of the Republic of Kazakhstan (the “Committee”); – hearing the annual reports of scientific organizations on scientific and scientific and technological activities and providing the Committee with conclusions and recommendations based thereon; 2) establishing interdisciplinary programs, coordinating research activities with scientific organizations within other prospects; 3) providing scientific and technical support of technological development of ground-based and satellite-based space infrastructure; radio electronics and communications, materials science and engineering, space life sciences, monitoring and forecasting of space weather, remote sensing of natural and man-made processes, geoinformational modeling of natural territorial complexes, ecosystems, and natural and man-made processes; 4) developing and/or operating, participating in developing and/or operating the space facilities of different purpose, space communication, navigation, and remote sensing systems: – carrying out research and works to ensure the environmental safety of the use of launch vehicles of different purpose, including their environmental impact assessment and certification; – performing scientific and technical evaluation of existing and promising projects on space research and development of space systems; 5) carrying out fundamental and applied works within space research, establishing the scientific basis of modern space technologies and their use in different economic sectors in Kazakhstan: – studying the atmosphere and geological substrate using aerospace sensing and character recognition in order to develop technologies for monitoring and forecasting territorial systems; – using technologies of space monitoring and remote sensing in order to perform application tasks in the field of ecology, agriculture, geology, cartography, land use, water management, and other territorial facilities and processes; – developing and using aerial and satellite survey methods and developing geographic information systems based thereon; – receiving, processing, distributing, making equivalent exchange, and selling data of the Earth’s remote sensing from space; 6) carrying out research in space materials science, physics of metals, physics of plasticity, and heat treatment in order to solve problems of developing new structural materials with a given structure and properties; 7) preparing offers based on the state priorities and providing scientific and technical support of technological development of ground-based and satellite-based space infrastructure; participating in the design, design and technological, and structural design works and in the commercial exploitation of new space technologies for ground-based and satellite-based space infrastructure; radio electronics and communications, materials science and engineering, life sciences, monitoring and forecasting of space weather, remote sensing and monitoring of natural and man-made processes, geoinformational modeling of natural territorial complexes, ecosystems, and natural and man-made processes; 8) participating in commercial exploitation of new technologies for ground-based and satellite-based space infrastructure, radio electronics and communications, materials science and engineering, space life sciences, monitoring and forecasting of space weather, remote sensing and monitoring, geoinformational modeling of natural territorial complexes, ecosystems, and natural and man-made processes; 9) participating in the development of scientific and methodological, as well as regulatory and engineering support of functioning of the space infrastructure; 10) participating in developmental works on invention of devices and equipment for the space industry, navigation and medical equipment, and for other industries; 11) building a data bank concerning technologies, devices, and equipment for ground-based and satellite-based space infrastructure, radio electronics and communications, materials science and engineering, space life sciences, monitoring and forecasting of space weather, remote sensing and monitoring, geoinformational modeling of natural territorial complexes, ecosystems, and natural and man-made processes; 12) within its competence cooperating with similar organizations from foreign countries with regards to the development of interstate scientific and technological cooperation in the field of space technologies, new technologies in radio electronics and communications, materials science and engineering, space life sciences, monitoring and forecasting of space weather, remote sensing, geoinformational modeling of natural territorial complexes, ecosystems, and natural and man-made processes; 13) ensuring development and operation of experimental, production, and social sphere of the Company; 14) participating in the development of regulatory documentation concerning environmental and technical safety at the enterprises and facilities of space and other industries that use space technologies; 15) participating in provision of the scientific support of activities on standardization, IT-based management, automation, certification, and service maintenance of the enterprises and facilities of space and other industries that use space technologies; 16) participating in performance of contracted works for the development, manufacture, and commissioning of new devices and equipment for ground-based and satellite-based space infrastructure, radio electronics and communications, materials science and engineering, space life sciences, monitoring and forecasting of space weather, remote sensing and monitoring, geoinformational modeling of natural territorial complexes, ecosystems, and natural and man-made processes; 17) establishing direct cooperation with scientific organizations and enterprises of different forms of incorporation and creating conditions in order to provide the scientific and information support of research, protect scientific and intellectual property, implement common projects, and to maintain scientific cooperation; 18) participating in promotion of scientific and space technology achievements; participating in arranging and holding of international and republican congresses, sessions, conferences, workshops, meetings, exhibitions; participating in publishing of scientific journals and papers.


Municipal State Institution "Center for Training the Olympic Reserve of the Almaty Region" State Institution "Department of Physical Culture and Sports of the Almaty Region"

Rules for the organization of activities Olympic Reserve Training Center 1. General provisions of the Olympic Reserve Training Center 1. These Rules for Organizing the activities of the Olympic Reserve Training Center (hereinafter referred to as the Rules) have been developed in accordance with subparagraph 21) of Article 23 of the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan "On Physical Culture and Sports" (hereinafter referred to as the Law) and determine the procedure for the activities of Olympic Reserve Training Centers (hereinafter referred to as the Center) created by local executive bodies in the field of physical culture and sports (hereinafter referred to as the Local Body). 2. The Center is guided in its activities by the Constitution of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Civil Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Labor Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Budget Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan "On the Health of the people and the healthcare System", the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan "On State Property", the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan "On Physical Culture and Sports", other laws of the Republic of Kazakhstan and acts of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan, orders of authorized bodies on state property, on physical culture and sports and other regulatory legal acts of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the field of physical culture and sports, as well as these Rules and the charter of the Center. 3. The center may have a regional or city status. 4. The Center is created for one or more Olympic sports. 5. The following concepts are used in these Rules: 1) the calendar plan of mass sports events is an official document regulating the planning and conduct of the training work of the Center for a calendar year; 2) training camp – a centralized event organized in order to improve the sportsmanship and quality of the training process of athletes; 3) variable composition – the composition of athletes involved during training camps and competitions, enrolled in the Center and included in the main structure of another sports organization; 4) sport is an integral part of physical culture, the distinguishing features of which are the level of qualification, the environment of classes, the inventory and equipment used, the rules of competition; 5) senior coach – a sports coach who exercises general supervision over the composition of coaches by sport and is directly engaged in training activities; 6) international competitions - competitions in the sport among athletes (teams), in which representatives of at least five states take part; 7) personal trainer - an individual who has a professional education and carries out personal training of an athlete during the training process and his competitive activities, focused as much as possible on the athlete whose training he is engaged in.


Ересектер мен балалар арасындағы сезімтал және дәріге төзімді туберкулез түрін емдеу, сондай-ақ ересектерге арналған тыныс алу ағзаларының аурулары бар пациенттерге медициналық оңалту және қалпына келтіру емі.

Халыққа туберкулезге қарсы көмек көрсету, туберкулездің алдын алу, диагностикасының сапасын жақсарту, емдеу бойынша іс-шаралар жүргізу. Ересектер мен балаларды қалпына келтіріп емдеу және медициналық оңалту. Ересектерге арналған тыныс алу ағзаларының аурулары бар пациенттерге медициналық көмек көрсету (пульмонология).


KGP on the PCV "Palliative care Hospital of Almaty region" GU

Hospital Palliative Care is an organization approach that improves the quality of life of patients (children and adults) and their families facing problems related to a life-threatening disease, by preventing and alleviating suffering through early detection, careful assessment and treatment of pain and other physical symptoms, as well as providing psychosocial and spiritual support, adequate pain relief and relief of other painful symptoms. Psychological support of the patient and the relatives caring for him. Developing an attitude to death as a natural stage of a person's path. Through the activities of our organization, we are able to relieve pain and other disturbing symptoms, affirm life and treat dying as a natural process, does not seek to accelerate or delay the onset of death, includes psychological and spiritual aspects of patient care, offers patients a support system so that they can live as actively as possible until death, offers a support system to the patient's loved ones during their illness, as well as during bereavement, uses a multidisciplinary team approach to meet the needs of patients and their relatives, including during bereavement, if necessary, improves the quality of life and can also have a positive impact on the course of the disease, is applicable in the early stages of the disease in combination with other life-prolonging treatments, such as chemotherapy, radiation therapy, includes research to better understand and treat troubling clinical symptoms and complications.
