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MSI "Specialized children and youth school of the Olympic reserve in cycling named after A. Kivilev, Talgar"
Ensuring the preparation of the sports reserve, candidates of national teams, regional, republics and the education of high-class athletes to participate in competitions
30/11/2021Communal state institution "Children's and youth sports school of the Karatal region" State institution "Department of physical culture and sports of the Almaty region"
Ensuring the preparation of the sports reserve, candidates for the national teams of the city, district, region, republic and the education of high-class athletes to participate in international competitions. Development of youth striving for patriotism and moral and volitional qualities.
30/11/2021"Талдықорған қаласының А.Кивилев атындағы облыстық велоспорттан олимпиадалық резервінің мамандандырылған балалар мен жасөспірімдер мектебі" КММ
Спорт саласында қосымша білім беру