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Data on tenders for trust management of municipal property objects by region
Data on tenders for trust management of municipal property objects by region
24/01/2023Investments in the agro-industrial complex since 2000
This set contains information on investments of KazAgroFinance JSC in the agro-industrial complex since 2000 - 1 235,7 billion tenge
09/02/2023Investments in the agro-industrial complex since 2000
This set contains information on investments of KazAgroFinance JSC in the agro-industrial complex since 2000 - 1 253,8 billion tenge
07/03/2023Investments in the agro-industrial complex since 2000
This set contains information on investments of KazAgroFinance JSC in the agro-industrial complex since 2000 - 1 270,8 billion tenge
07/04/2023Investments in the agro-industrial complex since 2000
This set contains information on investments of KazAgroFinance JSC in the agro-industrial complex since 2000 - 1 291,3 billion tenge
05/05/2023Өңірлер бөлінісінде жылу беру кезеңінде жылу беру сапасы туралы мәліметтер
Өңірлер бөлінісінде жылу беру кезеңінде жылу беру сапасы туралы ақпарат
12/05/2023The number of equipment has been leased since 2000
This set contains information on investments of KazAgroFinance JSC in the agro-industrial complex since 2000 - 1 301,0 billion tenge
08/06/2023The number of equipment has been leased since 2000
This set contains information on investments of KazAgroFinance JSC in the agro-industrial complex since 2000 - 1 318,0 billion tenge
10/07/2023Список граждан, состоящих на учете нуждающихся в жилье, в разрезе регионов
Бұл жинақта тұрғын үйге мұқтаждар есебінде тұрған азаматтардың тізімі, өңірлер бөлінісінде