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Қоғамның атқарушы органы туралы ережесі

Бұл жинақта Қоғамның атқарушы органы туралы ережесіне қатысты деректер бар


Қоғамның Ішкі аудит қызметі туралы ережесі

Бұл жинақта Қоғамның ішкі аудит қызметі туралы ережеге қатысты мәлімет бар


"Промышленность Казахстана" ғылыми-техникалық журналы туралы ақпарат

Аталған жинақ ғылыми мақалалардың авторларына қойылатын ережелер мен талаптарды, сонымен қатар журнал мен жазылым туралы жалпы ақпаратты қамтиды.


"Байтерек" БК" АҚ филиалы туралы ереже

Осы жинтық "Байтерек" БК" АҚ филиалы туралы ережесін камтиды


Code of business ethics of NIC NBK

The Code of Business Ethics of NIC NBK JSC defines the principles of NIC NBK JSC's activities in relations with employees, suppliers, business partners, the Corporation's Shareholder, interested parties and authorized government bodies, as well as the rules and standards of conduct of the Corporation's employees.


Municipal State Institution "Center for Training the Olympic Reserve of the Almaty Region" State Institution "Department of Physical Culture and Sports of the Almaty Region"

Rules for the organization of activities Olympic Reserve Training Center 1. General provisions of the Olympic Reserve Training Center 1. These Rules for Organizing the activities of the Olympic Reserve Training Center (hereinafter referred to as the Rules) have been developed in accordance with subparagraph 21) of Article 23 of the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan "On Physical Culture and Sports" (hereinafter referred to as the Law) and determine the procedure for the activities of Olympic Reserve Training Centers (hereinafter referred to as the Center) created by local executive bodies in the field of physical culture and sports (hereinafter referred to as the Local Body). 2. The Center is guided in its activities by the Constitution of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Civil Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Labor Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Budget Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan "On the Health of the people and the healthcare System", the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan "On State Property", the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan "On Physical Culture and Sports", other laws of the Republic of Kazakhstan and acts of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan, orders of authorized bodies on state property, on physical culture and sports and other regulatory legal acts of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the field of physical culture and sports, as well as these Rules and the charter of the Center. 3. The center may have a regional or city status. 4. The Center is created for one or more Olympic sports. 5. The following concepts are used in these Rules: 1) the calendar plan of mass sports events is an official document regulating the planning and conduct of the training work of the Center for a calendar year; 2) training camp – a centralized event organized in order to improve the sportsmanship and quality of the training process of athletes; 3) variable composition – the composition of athletes involved during training camps and competitions, enrolled in the Center and included in the main structure of another sports organization; 4) sport is an integral part of physical culture, the distinguishing features of which are the level of qualification, the environment of classes, the inventory and equipment used, the rules of competition; 5) senior coach – a sports coach who exercises general supervision over the composition of coaches by sport and is directly engaged in training activities; 6) international competitions - competitions in the sport among athletes (teams), in which representatives of at least five states take part; 7) personal trainer - an individual who has a professional education and carries out personal training of an athlete during the training process and his competitive activities, focused as much as possible on the athlete whose training he is engaged in.


Internal Audit Service Regulations JSC «RCSC»

Положение о Службе внутреннего аудита акционерного общества «Республиканский центр космической связи»


Regulations on the Board of Directors JSC «RCSC»

Regulations on the Board of Directors JSC «RCSC»


Regulations on the Corporate secretary JSC «RCSC»

Regulations on the Corporate secretary JSC «RCSC»
