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2022 жылы мүліктік жалдауға (жалға алуға) беруге жататын Қазақстан Республикасы Қорғаныс министрлігінің қорғаныс объектілерінің тізбесі
Қазақстан Республикасы Қорғаныс министрлігінің мүліктік жалдауға (жалға алуға)беруге жататын қорғаныс объектілерінің тізбесі
15/09/2022List of state sports facilities
This set contains information about sports facilities in the region
08/12/2022List of road construction projects by region
This set contains information about road construction projects in the region
12/12/2022The list of objects of the agro-industrial complex (including meat processing enterprises, enterprises for the production of products in forestry and fisheries) by region
The list of objects of the agro-industrial complex (including meat processing enterprises, enterprises for the production of products in forestry and fisheries) by region
20/01/2023List of road construction projects by region
List of road construction projects by region
20/01/2023List of objects of the agro-industrial complex (including meat processing enterprises, enterprises for the production of products in forestry and fisheries)
This set contains information about the objects of the agro-industrial complex of the region
27/01/2023Перечень объектов агропромышленного комплекса (в том числе мясоперерабатывающие предприятия, предприятия по производству продуктов в лесном и рыбном хозяйствах) в разрезе регионов
This set contains data on the list of enterprises by the list of objects of the agro-industrial complex (including meat processing enterprises, enterprises for the production of products in forestry and fisheries) by region in the Mangystau region