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Data on the medical care provided by the National Research Oncology Center LLP
Information on the medical care provided by the National Research Oncology Center LLP
04/07/2023The schedule of reception of visitors by members of the Board of the NJSC "Astana Medical University"
The schedule of reception
14/12/2023Infrastructure of the NAO "Astana Medical University"
Infrastructure of the NAO "Astana Medical University"
14/12/2023Information about educational programs at the bachelor's level of the NCJSC "Medical University of Astana"
Information about educational programs at the bachelor's level of the NCJSC "Medical University of Astana"
14/12/2023Information about educational programs at the doctoral level of the NJSC "Medical University of Astana"
Information about educational programs at the doctoral level of the NJSC "Medical University of Astana"
14/12/2023Information about educational programs at the residency level of the NJSC "Medical University of Astana"
Information about educational programs at the residency level of the NJSC "Medical University of Astana"
14/12/2023Information about educational programs at the master's level of the NJSC "Medical University of Astana"
Information about educational programs at the master's level of the NJSC "Medical University of Astana"