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Number of cultural and leisure organizations by type, units

This set contains information on the number of cultural and leisure organizations by type for 2023


Мектепке дейінгі ұйымдардың жалпы санынан мектепке дейінгі шағын орталықтардың үлесі

Облыстар, республикалық маңызы бар қалалар және Астана бойынша мектепке дейінгі шағын орталықтардың саны туралы ақпарат


Statistical data on additional education, upbringing and development of children

Information about the number of additional education organizations and the number of students by regions, cities of republican significance and the capital


For children aged 3 years and up to admission to the 1st grade, covered by preschool education and training

Information on the number of children from 3 years to 6 years in preschool organizations by regions, cities of republican significance and the capital


The share of pupils in preschool mini-centers from the total number of pupils of preschool organizations

Information on the number of children in preschool organizations and mini-centers by regions, cities of republican significance and the capital
