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List of payers with debt on customs duties, taxes, special, anti-dumping, countervailing duties, penalties, interest, not repaid within four months from the date of its occurrence
Information about payers who, as of 01.01.2025, have arrears on customs payments, taxes, special, anti-dumping, countervailing duties, penalties, interest, not repaid within 4 months from the date of its occurrence
21/12/2016List of taxpayers recognized as inactive
List of taxpayers recognized as inactive as of 2025.02.03
08/01/2020List of taxpayers whose registration has been declared invalid
List of taxpayers whose registration has been declared invalid as of 2025.02.02
08/01/2020List of taxpayers recognized as false enterprises
List of taxpayers recognized as false enterprises as of 2025.02.03
08/01/2020Жекелеген қызмет түрлері бойынша есептен шығару туралы мәліметтер
Information on deregistration for certain types of activities
08/01/2020The list of payers who have arrears on deductions and (or) contributions to the social health insurance fund, not repaid within more than six months from the date of its occurrence
The list of payers who have arrears on deductions and (or) contributions to the social health insurance fund, not repaid within more than six months from the date of its occurrence, as of 01.01.2025
17/01/2020Service for providing information about tax debts
The service allows you to get data on tax debts of taxpayers
11/02/2020Service for providing information on charges to the taxpayer: land, property, transport
The service allows you to get data on charges to the taxpayer: land, property, transport
13/02/2020List of taxpayers who are absent at the legal address
List of taxpayers who are absent at the legal address as of 2025.02.03
18/05/2020Әлеуметтік аударымдар бойынша берешегi туындаған күннен бастап алты айдан астам мерзiмде өтелмеген берешегі бар төлеушілердің тiзiмi
The list of payers who have arrears on social contributions that have not been repaid for more than six months from the date of its occurrence, as of 01.01.2025