Search results
The share of pupils in preschool mini-centers from the total number of pupils of preschool organizations
Information on the number of children in preschool organizations and mini-centers by regions, cities of republican significance and the capital
27/03/2024Number of schools with an external form of education
This set contains the number of schools with an external form of education
02/04/2024Statistical data on accessibility of educational institutions
Information about secondary schools by regions, cities of republican significance and the capital
02/04/2024Total number of children for whom transportation to school is provided
Total number of children for whom transportation to school is provided
04/04/2024Register of secondary schools by regions, cities of republican significance, capitals
Register of secondary schools by regions, cities of republican significance, capitals
04/04/2024Main results of the international TIMSS study
This set describes a study of the level of natural science and mathematics preparation of schoolchildren.
18/04/2024List of educational literature approved for use in special (correctional) schools
List of educational literature approved for use in special (correctional) schools
18/04/2024List of educational literature approved for use in preschool organizations
This set contains a List of educational and methodological complexes for preschool organizations, including in electronic form
18/04/2024Жеке мектептер
Қазақстан Республикасында жұмыс істеп тұрған жекеменшік мектептерге қатысты деректер
27/04/2024Мемлекеттік мектептер
Қазақстан Республикасындағы қолданыстағы мемлекеттік мектептерге қатысты деректер