Search results
Investments in fixed capital
this set contains information on the volume of investments in fixed assets by region for 2014-2023
25/11/2021Number of cultural and leisure organizations by type, units
This set contains information on the number of cultural and leisure organizations by type for 2023
26/11/2021Number of cultural events held for children by cultural and leisure organizations, units
This set contains information on the number of cultural events held for children by cultural and leisure organizations in 2023
26/11/2021Number of clubs, courses in applied creativity and applied knowledge, amateur associations and interest clubs, units
This set contains information on the number of participants in clubs, applied creativity and applied knowledge courses, amateur associations and interest clubs for 2023
26/11/2021Көркемөнерпаздар шығармашылығы ұжымдарының жанрлар бойынша саны
This set contains informaition on the number of amateur art groups by genre for 2023
26/11/2021Көркемөнерпаз шығармашылығының ұжымдарына жанрлар бойынша қатысушылар саны
This set contains informaition on the number of participants in amateur art groups by genre for 2023
26/11/2021Ғылыми, әмбебап, арнайы және өзге де кітапханалар саны
This set contains information on the number of scientific, universal, special and other libraries for 2023
26/11/2021Кітапханалардағы пайдаланушылар саны
This set contains information about number of library users in 2023
26/11/2021Кітапханаға келушілер саны
This set contains information about the number library visits for 2023
26/11/2021Кітапханалардағы басылым түрлері бойынша жыл ішінде берілгені
This set contains information on issuance during the year by type of publication in libraries for 2023