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List of subordinate organizations of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan
This set contains information about the data of subordinate organizations of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan
03/02/2018Directory of bank identification codes (BIC) of the Republic of Kazakhstan
Directory of bank identification codes (BIC) of the Republic of Kazakhstan
20/02/2018Number of persons with disabilities in the Republic of Kazakhstan
This set contains data on persons with disabilities in the Republic of Kazakhstan as of July 1, 2024
05/07/2018Data on the number of recipients and amounts of pension and social payments from the republican budget, social payments from the state social insurance fund
This set contains information about the number and amounts paid to recipients of pensions and social benefits
16/07/2018Timing of preventive vaccinations in the Republic of Kazakhstan
This set contains information about the timing of preventive vaccinations in the Republic of Kazakhstan as planned
24/07/2018The number of persons with a degree of loss of professional ability to work
This set contains data on persons with a degree of loss of professional ability to work in the Republic of Kazakhstan as of July 1, 2024
02/08/2018Foreign missions of the Republic of Kazakhstan abroad
This set contains information about foreign missions of the Republic of Kazakhstan abroad (address, website / e-mail, contacts, Head of the mission)
29/08/2018Volume of gas production in the Republic of Kazakhstan
this set contains information about the volume of gas production in the Republic of Kazakhstan