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Register of unscrupulous participants in foreign economic activity

Бұл жиынтық камералдық бақылау нәтижесі бойынша сыртқы экономикалық қызметке жосықсыз қатысушылардың тізімін қамтиды


Systemically important payment service providers register

The following table provides information on systemically important payment service providers operating in Kazakhstan


The list of works and services, tariffs of the branch of the "Register of Shipping"

This kit contains a list of works and services produced and sold by the branch of the "Register of Shipping" RSKP "Kazakhstan su zholdary" and their tariffs


The list of works and services, tariffs of the branch of the "Register of Shipping"

This kit contains a list of works and services produced and sold by the branch of the "Register of Shipping" RSKP "Kazakhstan su zholdary" and their tariffs


Information about registered issues of declared shares

This set contains information about the date of registration, name, region, business identification number, number of shares of the issue and the ISIN code of the joint-stock companies that carried out state registration of issues of declared shares for the quarter
