The cyber security concept is being discussed on the Open Laws and Regulations portal

On the Open Laws and Regulations portal, the cyber security concept named “Kazakhstan’s Cyber Shield is accessible for discussing and submitting comments and ideas. The concept was developed for the purpose of ensuring information security of society and state in the field of informatization and communication, as well as for protection of citizens’ privacy in their using ICT.

On the Open Laws and Regulations portal, the cyber security concept named “Kazakhstan’s Cyber Shield is accessible for discussing and submitting comments and ideas. The concept was developed for the purpose of ensuring information security of society and state in the field of informatization and communication, as well as for protection of citizens’ privacy in their using ICT.

The Concept is intended to ensure consistency in approaches to creating and implementing national policy of ensuring security of information types protected by law, securing the digital information resources and systems, ICT infrastructure, as well as improving the methodological and legal frameworks that regulate the secure ICT use.

Implementing the Concept will contribute to further modernization of society in Kazakhstan and to implementation of the UN’s global cyber security program.

 Citizens’ ideas on enhancement of the document content shall be accepted till March 15, 2017. Taking part in discussion is possible through accessing

It should be reminded that Open Laws and Regulations is one of Kazakhstan’s Open Government’s components, a platform for efficient feedback between government agencies and the public (user guide for the portal