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7мамыр – Отан қорғаушылар күніне және 9 мамыр - Жеңіс күніне орай «Сарбаздар жыры» атты мерекелік кеш өтті.
Жас ұрпаққа өз отанын сүюге, соғыс жылдары ерлік көрсеткен батырлардың бойындағы ержүректілік, отан сүйгіштік, ұлтжандылық қасиеттерін үлгі-өнеге ету.Өскелең ұрпақ бойындағы патриоттық сезімдер дамуына үлес қосу болып табылады
09/06/20224 маусым –Мемлекеттік рәміздер күніне орай, «Рәміздер –рухымыз, ар-ожданымыз» атты квет –ойыны өтті
Елтаңба, Ту, Әнұран туралы өскелең ұрпақтың түсініктерін нығайта отырып, Рәміздердің пайда болуы және тарихтағы маңызы жайлы түсініктерін дамыту болып табылады.
09/06/2022JSC "Bank Service Bureau of the National Bank of Kazakhstan"
Brief general information about Bank Service Bureau of the National Bank of Kazakhstan JSC
14/06/2022JSC "Bank Service Bureau of the National Bank of Kazakhstan"
Brief general information about Bank Service Bureau of the National Bank of Kazakhstan JSC
01/08/2022JSC "Bank Service Bureau of the National Bank of Kazakhstan"
Brief general information about Bank Service Bureau of the National Bank of Kazakhstan JSC
02/08/2022JSC "Bank Service Bureau of the National Bank of Kazakhstan"
Brief general information about Bank Service Bureau of the National Bank of Kazakhstan JSC
02/08/2022Ongoing activities for the development and promotion of languages
Ongoing activities for the development and promotion of languages
16/11/2022JSC "Bank Service Bureau of the National Bank of Kazakhstan"
Brief general information about Bank Service Bureau of the National Bank of Kazakhstan JSC
23/11/2022Information on the total amount of expenses for the training of Kazakhstani specialists, research, scientific and technical and experimental design work on the territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan, for the socio-economic development of the region and the development of its infrastructure, social and economic support for the local population, made by the subsoil user
This set contains information on the total amount of expenses for the training of Kazakhstani specialists, research, scientific and technical and experimental design work on the territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan, for the socio-economic development of the region and the development of its infrastructure, socio-economic support for the local population, made subsoil user by years
23/12/2022Information on the total amount of expenses for the training of Kazakhstani specialists, research, scientific, technical and development work on the territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan, for the socio-economic development of the region and the development of its infrastructure, socio-economic support of the local population produced by the subsoil user
Information on the total amount of expenses for the training of Kazakhstani specialists, research, scientific, technical and development work on the territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan, for the socio-economic development of the region and the development of its infrastructure, socio-economic support of the local population produced by the subsoil user