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Мемлекеттік спорт объектілерінің тізбесі, өңірлер бөлінісінде
Мемлекеттік спорт нысандары туралы ақпаратты қамтиды
02/05/2018Average amount of social payment from the State Social Insurance Fund in case of disability
The method of calculating the average amount of assigned social benefits for the reporting period is defined as the weighted average amount of assigned social benefits for the reporting period
05/07/2018Average amount of social payment from the State Social Insurance Fund in case of loss of a breadwinner
The method of calculating the average amount of assigned social benefits for the reporting period is defined as the weighted average amount of assigned social benefits for the reporting period
12/07/2018Average amount of social payment from the State Social Insurance Fund in case of loss of income due to caring for a child upon reaching the age of one and a half years
The method of calculating the average amount of assigned social benefits for the reporting period is defined as the weighted average amount of assigned social benefits for the reporting period
12/07/2018Information on the assigned social payments from the state Social Insurance fund in the event of social risks
When generating data, all recipients of social benefits (counted at least once in the reporting period) who received a social benefit in the reporting period are taken into account, regardless of whether it continues or is terminated. At the same time, the amount of social payments made in the reporting period is reflected without deductions from mandatory pension contributions.
12/07/2018Data on the number of recipients and amounts of pension and social payments from the republican budget, social payments from the state social insurance fund
This set contains information about the number and amounts paid to recipients of pensions and social benefits
16/07/2018List of State cultural institutions
Бұл жинақ мемлекеттік мәдениет мекемелерінің тізбесі туралы ақпаратты қамтиды
31/07/2018State educational order for the training and advanced training of personnel in the field of healthcare
This set contains a State educational order for the training, retraining and advanced training of personnel in the field of healthcare
01/08/2018List of public hospitals
Бұл жинақ мемлекеттік ауруханалардың тізбесі туралы мәліметтерді қамтиды
06/08/2018List of state dispensaries
Бұл жинақ мемлекеттік диспансерлердің тізбесі туралы мәліметтерді қамтиды