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ІІМ санаторийлерінің тізбесі (атауы, мекенжайы, байланыс деректері, көрсетілетін қызметтер тізбесі)
ІІМ санаторийлерінің тізбесі (атауы, мекенжайы, байланыс деректері, көрсетілетін қызметтер тізбесі)
10/06/2016«Арман санаторийі» акционерлік қоғамы қызметтерінің бағасы
Осы ашық деректер жиынтығында«Арман санаторийі» акционерлік қоғамы қызметтерінің бағасы туралы ақпарат көрсетілген
14/02/2020«Қазақстан санаторийі» акционерлік қоғамы қызметтерінің бағасы
Осы ашық деректер жиынтығында «Қазақстан санаторийі» акционерлік қоғамы қызметтерінің бағасы туралы ақпарат көрсетілген
The resort is located in the lower belt of the middle mountain ranges, at an altitude of 1340-1460 above sea level, in the small Almaty valley on the slopes of Ile-Alatauy. It is a resort with a mountain climate. The spa is designed for children from 3 to 14 years old. Children from 3 to 7 years old are admitted with their parents. Beds are calculated for 150 people. There are 20 beds in standard and deluxe rooms on a paid basis. Numbers are standard and semi-deluxe. The course of treatment is 21 days. The resort provides services throughout the year.
15/11/2022Institution information
Analytical report Republican State Enterprise on REM Children's clinical sanatorium "Alatau" for the first half of 2023 DKS "Alatau" sends a daily order to the Chief pediatricians of the regions throughout the territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan for planned hospitalization of patients. In the treatment of children, non-drug - natural methods of healing are mainly used. In the volume of complex rehabilitation, exercise therapy, shungite therapy, speleotherapy, dosed thermotherapy, climatotherapy-aeroheliotherapy, dosed walking, clay therapy, phototherapy, various salt mines, hardware electrotherapy, physiotherapy, massage, music therapy, correctional sessions with a psychologist are carried out. In addition, there is a balneological and hydropathic clinic where therapeutic, sedative, shungite baths, Charcot's shower, circular shower, clay and mud therapy are carried out. For 2023, the Alatau clinic planned 16 races with a total number of 1883 patients, for 6 months of the current year 924 patients were treated compared to the 1st half of 2022 - 991. Rehabilitation of patients was carried out in full, according to treatment protocols. For 6 months of 2023, in general, 130 beds worked in the sanatorium in the somatic department and the work of the bed was 127.8 days, in the same period last year -133.4, the bed turnover averaged 7.1 patients (2022 -7.6) , with an average bed downtime of 5.3 days (2022-4.2 days). The average duration of the patient's stay in bed was 18.0 bed-days. (17.5 bed-days in 2022) With a plan of 18480 bed-days, patients spent 16610 bed-days, which amounted to 89.8%. In the first half of 2023, 992 vouchers were allocated. The implementation of the hospitalization plan was 85.7%. The number of missed trips by region increased by 1.3%, for 6 months of 2022 - 107 cases, for 6 months of 2023 - 142 cases.
06/09/2023Analytical report of the RSE at the Children's Clinical Sanatorium "Alatau" for 2023
In 2023, he planned 16 visits with a total of 1,883 patients, 2167 patients were treated this year compared to 2022 – 1982 from different regions of the country. The rehabilitation of patients was carried out in full, according to the treatment protocols. In 2023, the sanatorium as a whole had 130 beds in the somatics department and bed work amounted to 299.0 days, in the same period last year -269.1, bed turnover averaged 16.7 patients (2022 -15.2), and increased by 9.8%, with an average bed downtime of 3.0 days (2022-1.4 days). The average length of a patient's stay in a bed was 17.9 bed days. (17.7 bed days in 2022) Table 1 - Analysis of bed operation in 2023 compared to 2022 2022 2023 Number of treated children 1982 2167 Number of bed days 34984 38867 Bed work 269.1 299 Average bed stay 17.7 17.9 Bed turnover 15.2 16.7 According to the plan, 2,172 vouchers were allocated for 2023. The implementation of the hospitalization plan was 91.2%. The number of non-arrivals by region increased by 12.1%, in 2022 – 190 cases, in 2023 - 213 cases.
11/10/2024Analytical report of the RSE at the RSE Children's Clinical Sanatorium "Alatau" for the 1st quarter of 2024.
For 2024, DCS Alatau has planned 16 visits with a total of 2,059 patients, 424 patients were treated in 3 months of this year compared to 340 in the 1st quarter of 2023. The rehabilitation of patients was carried out in full, according to the treatment protocols. For the 1st quarter of 2024, 130 beds in the somatics department worked in the sanatorium as a whole and the bed work was 56.5 days, in the same period last year -47.6, the bed turnover averaged 3.3 patients (2023 -2.6), with an average bed downtime of 5.4 days (2023- 10.2 days). The average length of a patient's stay in a bed was 17.3 bed days. (18.2 bed days in 2023)
11/10/2024Analytical report of the RSE at the RSE Children's Clinical Sanatorium "Alatau" for the 1st half of 2024.
In the 1st half of 2024, 988 patients were treated compared to the 1st half of 2023 - 896.The rehabilitation of patients was carried out in full, according to the treatment protocols. For the 1st half of 2024, 130 beds in the somatics department worked in the sanatorium as a whole and the bed work amounted to 138.3 days, in the same period last year -125.3, the bed turnover averaged 7.6 patients (2023 -6.9), with an average bed downtime of 5.8 days (2023-8.2 days). The average length of the patient's stay in bed was 18.2 bed days. (18.2 bed days in 2023) With the plan of 19760 bed days, 17974 bed days were spent by patients, which was 90.9%. The decrease in the number of bed days is noted due to late hospitalization (children arrive 1-2 days late from remote regions) and early discharge of patients for various reasons. According to the plan, 980 vouchers were allocated for the first half of 2024. The implementation of the hospitalization plan was 79.0%. The number of absenteeism by region decreased by 21.0%, for 1 half-year - 206 cases.
14/10/2024The report of the somatic department of the RSE on the PCV of the DCS "Alatau" for the 1st quarter of 2024
The leading nosological form of the disease in the sanatorium is bronchial asthma. Bronchial asthma (BA) is one of the most common childhood diseases affecting the quality of life of patients and their families, which in severe cases leads to disability. The number of children with bronchial asthma decreased by 5.8% compared to the previous period. For the 1st quarter of 2024 - 163 children, for the 1st quarter of 2023 – 173 children. Along with bronchial asthma, the number of children with chronic bronchitis has increased. In 2024, only -249 children were treated, in the same period in 2023 – 160 children. The number of treated children in the DCS "Alatau" for the 1st quarter of 2024 is 424, of which 411 children were discharged with improvement. The proportion of children discharged with improvement from the total number of treated is 96.9%, 13 children were discharged "without changes", of which 1 child was transferred to a 24–hour hospital due to an exacerbation of the underlying disease. In the same period last year, only 340 children were discharged, of which 337 children improved, which is 99.1%.
24/10/2024Report of the LDO RSE department at the Alatau DCS for the 1st quarter of 2024
The advantage of the sanatorium is the use of climatotherapy (aerotherapy, heliotherapy, speleotherapy), hydrokinesotherapy, balneotherapy, terrencure. As well as one of the leading technologies of medical rehabilitation of children with bronchopulmonary diseases is physical therapy (exercise therapy), which helps to restore the normal stereotype of regulation of the respiratory system, learning to control one's breathing, increasing the adaptation of the child's body to increasing loads, increasing immunological reactivity, improving chest mobility and strengthening respiratory muscles. The total number of people who received aerotherapy, speleotherapy and water treatments is 424. The number of physiotherapy procedures performed at the sanatorium for the 1st quarter of 2024 amounted to 5,726, in the same period last year there were 4,930 procedures. The number of children covered by the chest massage procedure was 399 patients (338 patients in 2023), with foot vibration massage - 358.