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Local content in the personnel of the 1st category (management staff) of oil and gas companies of the Republic of Kazakhstan
This set contains information about the local content in the personnel of category 1 (management) of oil and gas companies of the Republic of Kazakhstan
26/03/2019Local content in the personnel of the 2nd category (specialists with higher and secondary professional education) of oil and gas companies of the Republic of Kazakhstan
This set contains information about the local content in the personnel of category 2 (specialists with higher and secondary professional education) of oil and gas companies of the Republic of Kazakhstan
26/03/2019Local content in the personnel of oil and gas companies of the Republic of Kazakhstan
This set contains information about the local content in the personnel of oil and gas companies of the Republic of Kazakhstan
26/03/2019Local content in the works of oil and gas companies of the Republic of Kazakhstan
This set contains information about local content in the works of oil and gas companies of the Republic of Kazakhstan
26/03/2019Local content in the services of oil and gas companies of the Republic of Kazakhstan
This set contains information about local content in the services of oil and gas companies of the Republic of Kazakhstan
26/03/2019Local content in the products of oil and gas companies of the Republic of Kazakhstan
This set contains information about the local content in the products of oil and gas companies of the Republic of Kazakhstan
26/03/2019Local content in the goods, works and services of oil and gas companies of the Republic of Kazakhstan
This set contains information about local content in the products, works and services of oil and gas companies of the Republic of Kazakhstan
26/03/2019Local content in the personnel of the 3rd category (skilled workers) of oil and gas companies of the Republic of Kazakhstan
This set contains information about the local content in the personnel of the 3rd category (skilled workers) of oil and gas companies of the Republic of Kazakhstan
29/03/2019№378 Тұрғын үй көмегін алушылар бойынша статистика, өңірлер бөлінісінде
Тұрғын үй көмегі, Тұтынылған коммуналдық және байланыс қызметтері отбасының тоқсандағы орташа айлық жиынтық табысының 5 пайызынан асатын тұрғын үйді ұстауға ақы төлеуге кеткен шығындар. 2021 жылдың 3 тоқсанында – 313 отбасыға, оның ішінде 576 адамға тағайындалды
28/11/2019Indicators of water pollution in the reservoir
Information on catches of fish in the pond - the Species composition of fish in commercial catches on the pond, tons.