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The number of equipment has been leased since 2000

This set contains information on the number of equipment transferred since 2000 by KazAgroFinance JSC - 67.1 thousand units


The number of equipment has been leased since 2000

This set contains information on the number of equipment transferred since 2000 by KazAgroFinance JSC - 68.1 thousand units


2000 жылдан бастап лизингке берілген техниканың саны

Бұл жинақта 2000 жылдан бастап лизингке берілген техниканың саны көрсетілген


The number of equipment has been leased since 2000

This set indicates the number of equipment leased since 2000 - 68.8 thousand units.


Information on the total amount of expenses for the training of Kazakhstani specialists, research, scientific and technical and experimental design work on the territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan, for the socio-economic development of the region and the development of its infrastructure, social and economic support for the local population, made by the subsoil user

This set contains information on the total amount of expenses for the training of Kazakhstani specialists, research, scientific and technical and experimental design work on the territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan, for the socio-economic development of the region and the development of its infrastructure, socio-economic support for the local population, made subsoil user by years


The number of equipment has been leased since 2000

This set indicates the number of equipment leased since 2000 - 69.0 thousand units.


The number of equipment has been leased since 2000

This set indicates the number of equipment leased since 2000 - 69,3 thousand units


Техникалық және кәсіптік білім беру жүйесі бойынша статистикалық мәліметтер

желі, мемлекеттік, жеке, контингенті, қабылдау, бітірушілер саны
