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The number of equipment has been leased since 2000

This set indicates the number of equipment leased since 2000 - 72,8 thousand units


Ауруханадағы емделген науқастар туралы ақпарат

Бұл жинақта медициналық ұйымның атауы, орналасқан жері, басшысы, емделген науқастар саны , төсек-орын саны, төсек жұмысы, науқастардың көрсетілген медициналық көмекке қанағаттану дәрежесі туралы мәліметтер бар


The number of equipment has been leased since 2000

This set indicates the number of equipment leased since 2000 - 73,5 thousand units


"Қарағанды медицина университеті" КеАҚ білім алушыларының саны бойынша деректер

"Қарағанды медицина университеті"КеАҚ білім алушыларының саны туралы ақпарат


Institution information

Analytical report Republican State Enterprise on REM Children's clinical sanatorium "Alatau" for the first half of 2023 DKS "Alatau" sends a daily order to the Chief pediatricians of the regions throughout the territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan for planned hospitalization of patients. In the treatment of children, non-drug - natural methods of healing are mainly used. In the volume of complex rehabilitation, exercise therapy, shungite therapy, speleotherapy, dosed thermotherapy, climatotherapy-aeroheliotherapy, dosed walking, clay therapy, phototherapy, various salt mines, hardware electrotherapy, physiotherapy, massage, music therapy, correctional sessions with a psychologist are carried out. In addition, there is a balneological and hydropathic clinic where therapeutic, sedative, shungite baths, Charcot's shower, circular shower, clay and mud therapy are carried out. For 2023, the Alatau clinic planned 16 races with a total number of 1883 patients, for 6 months of the current year 924 patients were treated compared to the 1st half of 2022 - 991. Rehabilitation of patients was carried out in full, according to treatment protocols. For 6 months of 2023, in general, 130 beds worked in the sanatorium in the somatic department and the work of the bed was 127.8 days, in the same period last year -133.4, the bed turnover averaged 7.1 patients (2022 -7.6) , with an average bed downtime of 5.3 days (2022-4.2 days). The average duration of the patient's stay in bed was 18.0 bed-days. (17.5 bed-days in 2022) With a plan of 18480 bed-days, patients spent 16610 bed-days, which amounted to 89.8%. In the first half of 2023, 992 vouchers were allocated. The implementation of the hospitalization plan was 85.7%. The number of missed trips by region increased by 1.3%, for 6 months of 2022 - 107 cases, for 6 months of 2023 - 142 cases.


The number of equipment has been leased since 2000

This set indicates the number of equipment leased since 2000 - 74,2 thousand units


The number of equipment has been leased since 2000

This set indicates the number of equipment leased since 2000 - 74,8 thousand units


134. Количество выданных лицензий на импорт и (или) экспорт отдельных видов товаров

Количество выданных лицензий на импорт и (или) экспорт отдельных видов товаров (отчетный период; общее количество выданных лицензий; количество выданных лицензий в разрезе наименований товаров)


135. Количество выданных разрешений на экспорт и (или) импорт отдельных видов товаров на территорию Республики Казахстан

Количество выданных разрешений на экспорт и (или) импорт отдельных видов товаров на территорию Республики Казахстан (отчетный период; общее количество выданных разрешений; количество выданных разрешений в разрезе наименований товаров)
