Search results
The number of equipment has been leased since 2000
This set contains information on the number of equipment transferred since 2000 by KazAgroFinance JSC - 63.1 thousand units
14/03/2022Investments in the agro-industrial complex since 2000
This set contains information on investments of KazAgroFinance JSC in the agro-industrial complex since 2000 - 1072.3 billion tenge
14/03/2022The number of active borrowers
This set contains information on the number of active clients of KazAgroFinance JSC - 9 738
14/03/2022The number of active borrowers
This set contains information on the number of active clients of KazAgroFinance JSC - 9 742
11/04/2022Investments in the agro-industrial complex since 2000
This set contains information on investments of KazAgroFinance JSC in the agro-industrial complex since 2000 - 1079.6 billion tenge
11/04/2022The number of equipment has been leased since 2000
This set contains information on the number of equipment transferred since 2000 by KazAgroFinance JSC - 63.4 thousand units
11/04/2022Separate financial statements for the year ended December 31, 2019 and Auditor's report
Separate financial statements for the year ended December 31, 2019 and Auditor's report