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Digitization of detailed planning projects by regions as of the 3rd quarter of 2022
This set contains information on filling the Automated Information System of the State Urban Planning Cadastre with digital detailed planning projects by regions as of the 3rd quarter of 2022
28/09/2022Digitization of infrastructure data by regions as of the 3rd quarter of 2022
This set contains information on filling the Automated Information System of the State Urban Planning Cadastre with digital data of engineering networks and facilities by regions as of the 3rd quarter of 2022
28/09/2022List of road construction projects by region
This set contains information about road construction projects in the region
12/12/2022Data on the construction of social facilities
This set contains information about the construction of social facilities
30/12/2022Data on the construction of residential buildings
This set contains information about the construction of residential buildings
30/12/2022Data on the construction of engineering and communication infrastructure
This set contains information on the construction of engineering and communication infrastructure in the region
30/12/2022Data on the construction of residential buildings by region
Data on the construction of residential buildings by region
19/01/2023List of road construction projects by region
List of road construction projects by region
20/01/2023Данные о строительстве объектов социального назначения в разрезе регионов
Өңірлер бөлінісінде әлеуметтік мақсаттағы объектілердің құрылысы туралы деректер
07/08/2023Данные о строительстве жилых домов в разрезе регионов
Бұл жинақта Маңғыстау облысы бойынша өңірлер бөлінісінде тұрғын үйлердің құрылысы туралы деректер