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The list of works and services, tariffs of the branch of the "Register of Shipping"
This kit contains a list of works and services produced and sold by the branch of the "Register of Shipping" RSKP "Kazakhstan su zholdary" and their tariffs
09/03/2021The list of works and services, tariffs
This kit contains a list of works and services produced and sold by the State Enterprise "Kazakhstan su zholdary" and their tariffs
09/03/2021List of investment projects developed/implemented in the field of petrochemistry
Name of the project developed/implemented in the field of petrochemistry
06/04/2021«Өлке тынысы» ЖШС
Dear internet users This is the age of new technologies. In this regard, there are new opportunities for information exchange. Thanks to the new possibilities of technology, the distance between the people and the government has been reduced. Even considering all this, we should not forget about the importance of traditional media. For this purpose, in the autumn of 2014, according to the resolution №393 of 7 november of the akimat of Almaty region, was formed limited partnerships «Өлке тынысы». Limited partnerships «Өлке тынысы» coordinates two regional publications, «Жетісу» and «Огни Алатау», which in turn ensure the implementation of the state information policy, timely bringing to the common people the course of development and prosperity, socio-political news of the Zhetysu region. Despite the epidemiological situation in the world, newspapers are published three times a week with three hundred thousand copies. In the era of digitalization, each of the newspapers has its own personal website, which is read not only in the region, but also in the republic. As the director of the coordinating state information work in the region with a population of more than two million people, I consider it necessary and necessary to establish communication through my personal vlog. You can ask your questions, leave your suggestions. I am happy to read and listen to interesting proposals regarding the development of mass media and state information policy.
07/04/2021Әлеуметтік аударымдар бойынша берешегi туындаған күннен бастап алты айдан астам мерзiмде өтелмеген берешегі бар төлеушілердің тiзiмi
The list of payers who have arrears on social contributions that have not been repaid for more than six months from the date of its occurrence, as of 01.01.2025
19/07/2021Full list of Journal of Economy and Finance issues of Economic Research Institute
Full list of Journal of Economy and Finance issues of Economic Research Institute
01/10/2021Information on the total amount of expenses for the training of Kazakhstani specialists, research, scientific, technical and development work on the territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan, for the socio-economic development of the region and the development of its infrastructure, socio-economic support of the local population, produced by the subsoil user by year
Information on the total amount of expenses for the training of Kazakhstani specialists, research, scientific, technical and development work on the territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan, for the socio-economic development of the region and the development of its infrastructure, socio-economic support of the local population, produced by the subsoil user by year Information on the total amount of expenses for the training of Kazakhstani specialists, research, scientific, technical and development work on the territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan, for the socio-economic development of the region and the development of its infrastructure, socio-economic support of the local population, produced by the subsoil user by year
19/11/2021Автожолдар құрылысы бойынша жобалар туралы деректер
List of highways covered by construction and reconstruction
19/11/2021№209 List of deposits by region
"In accordance with the protocol of the meeting of the Commission on granting the right of subsurface use for exploration or extraction of common minerals in the territory of Nur-Sultan dated May 11, 2012 No. 2, tenders for granting the right of subsurface use for exploration or extraction of common minerals in the territory of Nur-Sultan are not held, as they are recognized as contrary to the General Development Plan of the capital. At the moment, there are no existing contracts (licenses) for exploration and production of common minerals in the administrative territory of the city of Nursultan."