Search results
List of business support organizations by region
List of business support organizations by region
19/01/2023Data on land plots sold for commercial purposes by region
List of land plots of East Kazakhstan region sold for commercial purposes
19/01/2023List of commodity-producing enterprises, by region
List of commodity-producing enterprises, by region
19/01/2023Information on the total amount of expenses for the training of Kazakhstani specialists, research, scientific, technical and development work on the territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan, for the socio-economic development of the region and the development of its infrastructure, socio-economic support of the local population produced by the subsoil user
Information on the total amount of expenses for the training of Kazakhstani specialists, research, scientific, technical and development work on the territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan, for the socio-economic development of the region and the development of its infrastructure, socio-economic support of the local population produced by the subsoil user
19/01/2023List of state special and boarding organizations by region
List of state special and boarding organizations by region
19/01/2023List of state medical and social institutions (organizations) for persons with disabilities
List of state medical and social institutions (organizations) for persons with disabilities
20/01/2023List of state medical and social institutions (organizations) for the elderly
List of state medical and social institutions (organizations) for the elderly
20/01/2023List of state organizations of additional education by region
List of state organizations of additional education by region