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Туындаған күннен бастап 4 ай ішінде өтелмеген 10 АЕК-тен аса салық берешегі бар салық төлеуші дара кәсіпкерлер, жеке практикамен айналысатын адамдар туралы ақпарат
Information about taxpayers - individual entrepreneurs, persons engaged in private practice who have a tax debt of more than 10 MCI, not repaid within 4 months from the date of its occurrence, as of 01.01.2025
21/12/2016Statistical data on technical and vocational education
Statistical data on technical and vocational education
02/04/2024Information about the employment of graduates of technical and vocational organizations, post-secondary education and organizations of higher and (or) postgraduate education
network, public, private, contingent, reception, release