Search results

Volume of gas production in the Republic of Kazakhstan

this set contains information about the volume of gas production in the Republic of Kazakhstan


Volumes of generated waste by type of activity

Data on the volume of generated waste by industry


Volume of not danger waste generated

Data on volumes of generated non-hazardous waste by region


Volume of danger waste generated

Data on volumes of hazardous waste generated by regions


Information about registered bond issues

This set contains information about the date of registration, name, region, business identification number, issue volume, number of bonds, and ISIN code of legal entities that performed state registration of bond issues for the quarter


Results of social and economic development of Almaty city for the reporting period

Dataset contains information of the industry, agriculture, small and medium enterprises, investment, volume of construction, foreign trade turnover, consumer price index, tax and budget, employment and social protection, health and education.


Investments in fixed capital

this set contains information on the volume of investments in fixed assets by region for 2014-2023


Volume index of gross regional product

Бұл жинақта 2020 жылғы Жалпы өңірлік өнімнің нақты көлем индексі туралы деректер бар.
