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Количество выданных лицензий на осуществление деятельности по эксплуатации горных и химических производств
Количество выданных лицензий на осуществление деятельности по эксплуатации горных и химических производств
17/11/2017Number of issued documents on the conditions for processing goods on/outside the customs territory and processing for consumption in the small-scale, mining and metallurgical, chemical, pharmaceutical, woodworking industries, as well as mechanical engineering and construction industry
Number of issued documents on the conditions for processing goods on/outside the customs territory and processing for consumption in the small-scale, mining and metallurgical, chemical, pharmaceutical, woodworking industries, as well as mechanical engineering and construction industry
06/08/2018Indicators of water quality in the reservoir
Information on the main hydrochemical indicators of the reservoir by fishing areas
09/10/2020List of investment projects developed/implemented in the field of petrochemistry
Name of the project developed/implemented in the field of petrochemistry
06/04/2021Химия өнеркәсібі туралы статистика
Статистические данные по отрасли химической промышленности
19/11/2021Перечень выданных свидетельств о регистрация и учет химической продукции
Химиялық өнімді тіркеу және есепке алу куәлігінің тізілімі
09/12/2021GKP on PCV "Alakol Central district Hospital"
GKP on the PCV "Alakol Central District Hospital " in accordance with the license number LP 0012245DV dated 20.12.2011 provides the following types of services: 1. primary health care: emergency medical care, pre-medical. 2. Laboratory diagnostics: general clinical studies, biochemical studies, serological studies, cytological studies 3. Diagnostics: functional, radiological, pathological anatomy, ultrasound, endoscopic. 4. advisory, diagnostic, medical and inpatient care for adults and children. 5. examination of temporary disability. 124 doctors work in the Alakol central district hospital, the provision of doctors per 10 thousand population is 18.2. in 2020, 24 specialist doctors were employed, 5 doctors in 5 months of 2021, the number of mid-level medical workers is 580, 84.9 per 10 thousand population.